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Online CPR training is one of those skills you learn in the hopes of never using it. Finding yourself in a situation where you might be able to save a life but not because you lack knowledge and skills can have a devastating effect on the unfortunate victim. And will be something you will hold on to for the rest of your life and will remember. 

Online CPR training from the comfort of your own home can be a means to give you the skills you need when dealing with these situations. 

There are several ways to enroll in a CPR course Online. The head of the Red Cross in your area and the American Heart Association website are good resources to check. 

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Taking online CPR classes has several benefits when you can take some free time. Not only will this help you gain confidence that you know how to apply life-saving techniques to the people you care about, but it will also ensure that you can help out when needed. The course is scheduled to last approximately 5 hours. Once you pass the online exam, you and your family will be certified in CPR.

By taking an online CPR training course, you will learn basic techniques such as oral resuscitation, pumping air into the airway system, chest compressions, and a variety of other techniques that will help keep you alive when the emergency response team doesn't respond. 

Many of the Red Cross-recommended online training courses have enhanced the learning experience through the use of interactive models and exercises, giving you a real hands-on experience. 

CPR Training Online – Get the Most Out of It