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The duties of a plumber are managing, repairing and maintaining the boiler plant, the equipment and machinery. Certain jobs require engineers to instruct other engineers and operators, while others may require engineers to collaborate in conjunction with their business counterparts in order to create new products and determine the specifications of basic boiler operation products according to the market demand. They are also required to keep high-pressure industrial gas and other supporting equipment. Most jobs are in shopping centres and factories, commercial buildings as well as warehouses.

There are a variety of opportunities available in the countries dependent on the degree the license. In essence, there are three levels of licensing: first-class the second class, and the third class. The most prestigious grade is the first class license. First-class licensees are known as chief boiler engineers. They are responsible for the plant that has an unlimited steam capacity. You'll be able to operate and supervise the operation.

The lowest level of the first-class is second-class. Second-class engineers can manage a boiler that has a capacity of 200,000 lb/hr for steam production capacity. But, they must possess at least two years of working experience as a third class to be able to qualify as boiler engineers of second-class.

The lowest is the third-class license, through which engineers are permitted to manage a boiler facility that has an influx of 100, 000 lb/hr steam production capacity. In order to be eligible for a third-class boiler engineer's certificate, it's vital to have a minimum of two years of experience as the operator of a boiler.

Responsibility of A Boiler Engineer In Victoria