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Sports are a great way to get fit, have fun, and make friends. But they can also be dangerous. Sports injuries can happen anywhere on your body – from your feet to your head – and they can be really painful. Fortunately, there are ways to protect yourself from sports injuries.  Physiotherapy in Edmonton can be preferable for sports injuries.

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Prevention of Sports Injuries:

The following tips will help you avoid sports injuries:

-Warm up before playing. This will increase your range of motion and flexibility.

-Stay hydrated. Sweating helps keep the body cool and reduce the risk of injury.

-Use appropriate equipment. Make sure your equipment is designed for your sport and fits you well. Don’t use too much force when playing; use enough effort so that you can maintain control of your body and the ball.

-Be safe on the ground. If you fall, be sure to get up quickly and stay away from the player who fell on top of you. Always assume that someone might be trying to hurt you and take precautions accordingly.

-Stop if you feel pain or if it becomes difficult to continue playing. If you injure yourself during play, stop immediately and seek medical attention.

Types of Injuries:

Falls – Falls can happen when someone trips or stumbles while running, skating, or walking. Older adults are especially at risk for falls because they may have less control over their movements.

Collisions – An athlete can get a collision injury when two bodies come into contact with each other suddenly. This could be from falling down stairs or getting hit by a ball in a sport such as a baseball.

Contact with Objects – Objects such as balls, bats, and poles can cause sports injuries if they are thrown too hard or hit someone in the wrong place. A player could also get an object stuck in his/her hair or clothes which could lead to serious injury.

Overexertion – Excessive exertion can occur during any physical activity if the person doing the activity isn't prepared for what they're getting themselves into. This includes not drinking enough water before playing a sport and not stretching before playing a sport.

Causes Of Sports Injuries In Daily Life
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