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Airports offer a lot of conveniences that travelers can take advantage of, from cheap flights to reasonably priced cars. While most airport parking is fairly affordable, there are some fees that you might not have considered. If you're planning to fly this holiday season, chances are you'll be looking for ways to save money. However, there are a few things you need to know before parking your car at the airport.

First of all, it's important to understand how much parking you're actually getting for your money. Secondly, it's important to understand what time of day is best to park your car at the airport. And lastly, make sure you're aware of any restrictions that may apply to the economy car parking lot at MCI airport.


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Costs for Economy Parking at Airports:

Airports offer a variety of parking options, from long-term economy parking to short-term free parking. Here's what you need to know about the costs and benefits of each type:

Economy Parking: 

The cost of economy parking at airports varies, but the average price is around $8 per day. This option is typically best for short-term visitors who don't want to pay high fees for long-term parking.

Long-Term Economy Parking: 

If you're looking for a longer-term solution, airport long-term economy parking can be a good option. Prices can range from $35 per month to $420 per year, but these rates usually include free shuttle service to and from the airport.

Short-Term Fee Parking: 

If you only have a few hours to spare before your flight, short-term fee parking may be your best bet. Rates for this type of parking varies, but they are usually cheaper than long-term economy spots.

Economy Parking At Airports: What You Need To Know