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One of the most important features of road safety is line visibility. When driving on a busy freeway it is important for every driver to see guidelines on each road that help keep traffic smooth and prevent accidents by limiting vehicles moving back and forth at dangerous speeds.

Therefore, the importance of this function requires that all materials used for road marking be made to withstand the wear and tear caused by regular traffic and changing climatic conditions. You can look for pavementsurfacecoatings to get the best road safety coatings. 

Pavement Markings - ProProfs Quiz

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The reflective road strip is made of high-quality lead-free polymer material which contains miniature glass beads, providing significantly long-lasting reflectivity, while providing excellent protection against scratches and scrapes that can be caused by vehicles crossing borderlines.

Reflective road tape can easily adhere to concrete or asphalt surfaces thanks to an impressive system of pre-applied adhesives that do not wear out quickly due to bad weather conditions. In addition, the paths are built to be durable. The reflective road strip can be installed by the overlay method or the inlay method.

The first step in the coating method is to ensure that the desired surface is completely dry, clean, and free of dirt which could affect proper adhesion. This includes oil, grease, dust, dirt, mud, soil, salt and other similar particles. 

Firstly, glue is applied and after the glue is completely dry, the marking can be applied. Insert the tape in the same direction as the first pass, using at least three passes. Repeat ramming until you are absolutely sure that the lane is completely adjusted for the road.

How Reflective Road Tape Helps in Road Safety?