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If you're looking for a primary care clinic in Davie, FL, there are a few options available. You can search for clinics by address or by specialty. 

To find clinics by address, you can use the HealthMap website. This website includes information on health care facilities across the United States. Look at this site for more information about primary care clinic in Davie, FL.

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To find clinics by specialty, you can use the Florida Directory of Specialty Clinics website. This website includes information on medical centers and clinics that offer specific types of care, such as cancer treatment or obstetrics and gynecology services. 

Both websites include contact information for each clinic so you can ask questions or make appointments.

To find a primary care clinic in Davie, FL, begin by searching the internet or contacting your local health department. Many clinics offer free or discounted appointments to low-income residents. Some clinics also offer sliding scale fees based on income. 

If you are unable to find a clinic near you that meets your needs, consider visiting one of the county's community hospitals. These hospitals typically offer comprehensive primary care services as well as emergency room and pediatric care. 

If you need more information on finding a primary care clinic in Davie, FL, contact your health insurance company or the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. These organizations can provide you with a list of clinics that are eligible to accept Medicare and Medicaid patients.

How Would You Find A Primary Care Clinic In Davie, FL?