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If you are a nonpet owner then you probably wouldn't understand the lengths we pet owners go to to take care of our pets. If our pet is sick and needs treatment, we will even borrow money to treat him or her if we have to. Our pets are part of the family. They are like our children. But I think that unless you become a pet owner, you will never grasp the love we feel for our pets.

You can contact us today if you are looking for the Veterinary Medical Center in Fayetteville.

So it goes without saying that we will take them to the vet for their updated vaccinations and checkups. The recent pet food scare for me was an eye-opener. I started looking into all aspects of pet health, food, medical treatments, and so forth.

It was during these searches that I came across Veterinary Secrets Revealed. What I read shocked me. In our desire to keep our pets healthy, we were actually doing them more harm. These revelations come from nonother then than a veterinary doctor.

Dr. Andrew Jones is the person behind Veterinary Secrets Revealed. He got interested in delving into the pet industry for a very personal reason. His 8-year-old dog " Hoochie" passed away despite being a specimen of health. As Dr. Jones reveals Hoochie was given all the attention that a pet lover gives.

Hoochie exercised regularly, was given only veterinary food, and was up-to-date with his vaccinations. However, despite all his care and attention Hoochie died in his arms of a massive tumor bleed. Dr. Jones started looking for answers and eventually came to a terrible realization. He contributed to his dog's death.

Veterinary Medical Center in Fayetteville