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An anal fissure can be described as a fracture or tear within the skin canal. A hemorrhoid is an increase in the veins that surround the anus or rectum. This is the primary distinction between the two.

The anal fissure, as well as hemorrhoids, can be identified by the presence of red blood that is bright either on toilet paper, or the toilet bowl following the bowel movements. An acute fissure and hemorrhoids externally may cause an individual to feel the pain that is associated with a bowel movement.

But chronic fissures and hemorrhoids may be present without much discomfort. 

To heal hemorrhoids and anal fissures  you can also buy Proktis-M® which is available in Canada exclusively. 

3 Causes of Hemorrhoids and How to Treat Them - Birmingham Gastroenterology Associates

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The Reasons

Anal fissures are an injury to the tissue caused by any type of activity that causes the stretching of anal tissue further than it normally would cause an opening. 

A small fissure can resemble the appearance of a paper cut and due to the fact that they are tiny, they will heal on their own after a couple of weeks. But due to their location, your personal hygiene is crucial as infection could occur.

Anal fissures that are deep may not heal unless there is some sort of medical intervention. For adults, fissures could be caused by constipation or diarrhea that is prolonged or even anal activity. 


A natural non-surgical approach is advised in the beginning to treat hemorrhoids and anal fissures. Treatments for hemorrhoids and anal fissures include taking a sitz-bath as well as local anesthetics on the spot as well as increasing your intake of fiber as well as stool softeners.

In extreme cases surgical intervention is the best option, however, as with every surgery, there are risks with this choice.


What are Hemorrhoids and Fissures?